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PIXELSHAKES CHANGE LOG 1.9 added sort function to assetpool 1.8.1 minor bugfixes 1.8 added sort function to gamelist 1.7 Paddle Integration finished 1.6 Paddle integration Tests 1.5 bugfixes added video asset type 1.4.8 bugfixes style fixes publish is now called create gamelist now ordered by created 1.4.7 highscore viewer improvements instance generator shows highscore link bugfixes 1.4.6 double click in gameslist opens details added instance functionality to highscore added instance Generator added instance management minor bugfixes 1.4.5 public highscore screen added bugfixes stylefixes 1.4.4 minor bugfixes 1.4.3 custom game support added 1.4.2 fixed errors in funnel 1.4.1 added invoices to organization 1.4.0 added custom alertModal refactor this, refactor that minor bugfixes added edit Feature to gameeditor 1.3.9 add total points to stats added tooltip to country selection fixed bug in organization changed logincheck to ensure forced logout added upgrade link to sidemenu for free license 1.3.8 added game showcase 1.3.7 pixelshakes now available for UK, CH and FL customers 1.3.6 audio selector update logic and content selector implemented logic and content logic minor bugfixes minor style fixes implement english license agreement minor fixes to licensemanagement updated cron jobs paypal bugfixes (hopefully) 1.3.5 improved license check in gameeditor added notice for disabled games inactive games now playable when logged in changes to feature licensing 1.3.4 updated PHP Version Server now using HTTP/2 (yeah!!! Performance!!!) 1.3.3 added privacy settings to highscore added data usage notice to highscore 1.3.2 implented statistics in games implented statistics in gamedetails / organization 1.3.1 added cropperjs for asset manipulation 1.3.0 implemented hCaptcha 1.2.9 added QR-Code Generator added QR-Codes to Gamedetails and publish 1.2.8 added captcha to registration form (much needed) 1.2.7 added gamedetails style improvements bugfixes 1.2.6 added new funnels added new testmode for games brickbreaker update 1.2.5 characters can be replaced minor bugfixes new asset-type tile-64 1.2.4 added audio to gameeditor added branding to gameeditor improved display of audio improved drag&drop addded mimeType Check to uploads minor style improvements minor bugfixes design fixes in media 1.2.3 minor bugfixes and improvememts redesign organization 1.2.2 improved organization management added functions to edit organization added functions to edit profile change password in app upgrade license in app cancel subscription in app delete account functionality added added docs to welcomemail 1.2.1 bugfixes in registration form improvements to password reset 1.2.0 registration added added paypal integration added license feature (sorry) added url parameters to funnel 1.1. skipped 1.0.9 minor style improvements 1.0.8 Major Style Update added OG Img in Gamelist Bugfixes improved UX disabled search where not in use 1.0.7 updated icons minor style improvements 1.0.6 added disabled notice to uploader auto select uploaded file added Media Library CSS improvements improved game over modals added delete asset function 1.0.5 added OGP function 1.0.4 minor bugfixes monitor last login add user state security fixes added "add user" function 1.0.3 fix creator/customerID of games display fileinfo at upload minor bugfixes minor translations